

Judy Pearlman was my first serious girlfriend and we had a rather tumultuous time of it. She was totally one of a kind, a lovely, warm, funny, effervescent soul. She deserved a much more upbeat, celebratory song than this, but all that tumult made its way into the lyrics. I did write a ton of poetry for her. We reconnected many times over the years and she is always an absolute delight to spend time with. My greatest reward from listening to this song is that I rely on Alice in Wonderland (my second favorite book; Looking Glass is my first) to close out the choruses.




When I was invincible I took her hand

Depending on my strength to pull her through

Yielding to the principle, she’d understand

And tell me there was nothing she could do

And when I planned the afternoon activity

She’d wander through as if struck by divinity

‘Til by the dusk I’d find myself at liberty

Though happy that I’d found myself at all

When she talked of sacrifice I burned for her

Expecting her to wait there patiently

When she took her own advice I turned for her

Into what she had wanted me to be

And when she took the cure she was contagious

The hours left for visits were outrageous

And the malady still lingers on to plague us

As she beats her naked body ’til she bleeds

Anything she’d fancy she would do

She called it a fairy tale come true

And for what has disappeared a substitute is due

So she paints the roses aliceblue

After we’d made love a bit, I slept for her

I slept for she was frightened of the deep

After she had finally quit, I wept for her

I wept for she was not the kind to weep

And after she slept on through the morning

I’d waken her with my relentless yawning

And snuggle up beside her just for warming

Sorting out the blankets like my love

When the sun set all too soon she cried for me

She cried for I was too free with my tears

Struck by the magic of the moon, she tried for me

She tried for me but gave in to her fears

If it is a dream I cannot blame her

She left it when the morning came to claim her

At least I know I’ll never go insane here

In her dreams eternally awake

As she rises so she starts in flying

As she combs her hair she starts in crying

For what she has always feared is certain to be true

So she paints the roses aliceblue.
